Council for the National Interest
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Understanding Modern Israel: Why it is Driving the World Towards Madness

By John Chuckman. Dissident voice, 02/18/14 – Nothing that Israel does in its affairs would be of quite such great concern to the world were it not for the fact that Israel drags along, willy-nilly, the world’s greatest power, much like some impressive-looking but feeble-willed, dazed parent stumbling along behind a screaming toddler demanding yet another […]

Report: Netanyahu held offshore bank account in tax haven

Ynet News, January 15, 2014 – The Israeli daily Globes revealed on Wednesday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had previously held a bank account in the Channel Islands, which is a tax haven. Netanyahu’s bank account was active between the years 1999 and 2003, while he took time off from political life, but still maintained his account […]

House spending bill includes full $3.1 billion for Israel

Jewish Telegraphic Agency, January 17, 2014 – Funding to Israel was restored to its pre-sequester levels in the spending bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill keeps funding for Israel at $3.1 billion for 2014, the amount designated in a 10-year memorandum of understanding from 2007 that guaranteed Israel an average of $3 […]

We Told You So: Give up the Empire

By Philip Giraldi., January 14, 2014 – Back a little over ten years ago I wrote an article for The American Conservative magazine called “The Jihadi War.” I had only recently left the CIA and it was the first article I had ever written for any publication, so I was grateful for a little friendly editorial advice when […]

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