Palestinian Christians make cross from wall as gift to Pope Francis IMEMC – Workers from an Israeli construction company were stopped by protesters, on Friday, as they were painting a section of the massive so-called “separation barrier” which is to extend approximately 430 miles througout the West Bank region upon completion. The workers were painting, […]

IMEMC – After more than four years in a coma, a Turkish man has died of serious injuries he suffered after Israel’s navy attacked, in international waters, the MV Marmara solidarity ship, part of the Freedom Flotilla, killing nine activists and wounding dozens more. Turkish sources said Ugur Suleyman Soylemez, 51 years of age, had […]

IMEMC – Yesterday, during the early evening, several Palestinian youth were riding bikes near checkpoint 56 in the Tel Rumeida area of Al-Khalil (Hebron). At around 7pm, one youth, 17-year-old Izz Adel Bedo, from the Jabal Al-Takruri area of Hebron was knocked off his bike and run over by a settler driving a bus on […]

IMEMC – As more Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli prisons are joining the hunger strike that started 28 days ago, at least 40 more detainees have joined the strike, while all 5200 detainees, held by Israel, would hold a one-day hunger strike Thursday, in solidarity with the striking detainees. The Palestinian Ministry of Detainees has […]

IMEMC – Israeli forces have taken Ahmad Qasim al-Azraq to Ofer prison, following his interrogation in Etzion. Ahmad is a resident of Aida refugee camp, the PNN reports. Sunday evening, the Israeli army broke into his home, where he was given a notice to report to interrogation the following morning. Family sources inform that Ahmad went to […]

IMEMC – A newly-released surveillance video showing the killing of two teenage boys, age 16 and 17, by Israeli troops during a demonstration last week contradicts Israeli accounts of the incident. While the Israeli government claimed that the boys were throwing stones, the video clearly shows that neither they nor any other youth were throwing […]

IMEMC – The ongoing demolitions in the area between the Naqab (Negev) and Jerusalem show that the Prawer Plan is still in full force, even if not under official implementation; the effects for Palestinians in the area are the same. The latest demolition came just yesterday, as Israeli bulldozers demolished several structures in the bedouin […]

IMEMC – Palestinians attended, on Friday, the funerals of Nadeem Siyam Nuwara, age 15, and Mohammad Odeh Abu al-Thahir, 17, who were shot dead by Israeli forces during a demonstration in commemoration of the Nakba (Catastrophe) of 1948, in which an estimated 700,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled from their homelands by Israeli colonizers, and […]

IMEMC – In a statement, yesterday, UN Women in Palestine expressed concern over the killing of “yet another Palestinian woman this week, raising the number of reported cases of femicide in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to 14 since the beginning of this year.” “The worrying increase in the rate of femicide, from 13 […]

IMEMC – In commemoration of the 66th annual Nakba day, hundreds of Palestinian youth from the Ramallah district moved against Israeli soldiers outside of Ofer prison in Beitunya. Soldiers retaliated with tear gas, live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets. During the clashes, soldiers killed two demonstraters, aged seventeen and twenty-two. The first, who was shot […]