Council for the National Interest
“War on Terror”

How Did the Perpetrators Do 9/11?

All it takes is a government conspiracy The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 has motivated some critics of the standard narrative to explore alternative explanations for what took place on that fatal day. To be sure, there has been considerable focus through the years on exactly what happened, analyzing the technical aspects of what made the […]

Another Look at 9/11: Ask Not ‘What Happened?’ but ‘Who Did It?’

The evidence of Israeli involvement is substantial, based on the level of the Jewish state’s espionage operations in the U.S., Phil Giraldi writes. The twentieth anniversary of 9/11 last Saturday has raised many of the usual issues about what actually happened on that day. Were hijacked airliners actually crashed into the twin towers of the […]

Here Come the Terrorists. Again

The search for new enemies will continue no matter who is president or which party dominates congress, Phil Giraldi writes. President Joe Biden is being praised in some circles because he finally ended the war in Afghanistan that in all likelihood should never have begun. President George W. Bush initiated the conflict on a series […]

The Evil That Men Do Lives After Them

How about some accountability for Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen? If you want to know how the United States wound up with “government by stupid” one need only look no farther than some of the recent propaganda put out by members of Congress, senior military officers and a certain former president. President George W. […]

The Israeli roots of Trump’s “Muslim Ban”

With just a single exception, all of these countries were targeted for attack by certain top U.S. officials in 2001. In fact, that policy had roots that went back to 1996, 1991, 1980, and even the 1950s. Trump’s action continues policies influenced by people working on behalf of a foreign country, whose goal has been to […]

Pro-Israel Organizations Fomented Anti-Muslim Hate Spreading Across America

In the post-9/11 era, pro-Israel donors, institutions and the Israel lobby have often fueled the very Islamophobia now suddenly catching fire in America, doing so as a strategy for smearing Palestinians. Promoting and showcasing anti-Muslim bigots has become a troubling pattern for the Israel lobby… By David Harris-Gershon, +972 Magazine, Tikkun  Anti-Muslim rhetoric coming from American lawmakers and presidential […]

Missing from the “State of the Union” – Why are we “over there?”

Including the festering Israel and Palestine conflict, which has taken on its current form due to the connivance of Washington as Israel’s patron, all of the unrest in the region is quite plausibly a direct or indirect result of American missteps By Philip Giraldi I had expected that there would be little in last week’s […]

Will Congress Stop the Iran Deal?

The inclusion of Iran in the bill does not have anything to do with the war against ISIS. The American neoconservatives and their congressional allies continue to believe that Iran constitutes the most serious threat against Israel, so it has to be pressured incessantly no matter how it behaves… If pushed to its logical conclusion, the […]

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East: Yinon Oded’s “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East Translated and edited by Israel Shahak The Israel of Theodore Herzl (1904) and of Rabbi Fischmann (1947) In his Complete Diaries, Vol. II. p. 711, Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, says that the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” […]

US Caught Faking It in Syria – fufilling the Yinon and Clean Break plans

The strategic goal in Syria is not what your faithful mainstream media servants have you believe… it is to  heighten the level of internecine conflict in that country to the point where Syria will not be able to serve as a bulwark against Israeli regional hegemony for at least another generation. How do we know? […]

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